Latif Maulan Biography

Name: Abd Latif Maulan
Date Of Birth: 28-11-1974
Education : Sekolah Menengah,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bentung

1974- 1980
I was born in 1974 in state of Pahang in a quiet village of Lebu in Malaysia. My early years of childhood experience started in our bamboo house near a small river. I just love the jungle that surrounded the serene place that we used to live and I had many happy childhood memories like swimming in the river with my friends. I often captured the beautiful scenery on my early drawings. Two of my sisters are also gifted with art; my eldest sister always brought home lots of colorful chalk from school, which I used them to sketch the walls in our house that drove my mother up the wall. When my sisters were back from school, they taught me how to draw and paint; but sadly, neither one of them pursue their interest and skills in painting ever since they got married.

I started primary school in 1981. From form one to form three I studied at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Lebu and continued my studies at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bentong in Benus until form five. I was in the Science stream, but my interest in art had made me changed to the art stream.

I finished my high school in 1991, I passed with flying colours, but due to financial constrain, I had to forgo my studies to a university level. I work everywhere to gain money for myself and my family, from washing dishes at the district hospital to a waiter in a local resort. But all of that were merely a month. Later, I worked as a Display Artist Designer at a small shopping complex in the town of Bentong. The pay was low but it was better than nothing.

I never thought of being an artist at that time. I was really lost and has no direction of where should I venture into. My friends kept persuading me to go out from the town of Bentong to explore my talent in Kuala Lumpur; but, I just didn't feel that I am able to survive in a big metropolitan city. But God is kind. I was extremely fortunate to be offered to be the Resident Artist at one of the gallery in KL. I was thrilled to accept the offer. Starting from there onwards, I didn't look back. I started to learn informally about art and being exposed to the real work of art and artists.

During this period, whilst I was still a part time artist at the Gallery, I was also working full time as an Advertising Designer. My paintings, which were displayed at the gallery, received a lot of interests from various visitors. I was able to sell painting almost every month. I learned a lot about the art world and get to know talented and famous Malaysian artists, including Khalil Ibrahim, Ismail Latif and Yusuf Ghani, who gave me many good advice. Another artist, Zaharuddin gave me an advise that I will never forget, he said "If you want to produce good paintings, never use black color. If you happen to have black paint, just throw it away. If you want to make dark colors, mix the red, blue, green and whatever color that you think is suitable for making dark hues". He was so right. From that day onwards, my paintings look very much better and I had never buy any black color till today.

It was the advised and encouragement from all of them that gave me the strength and confidence to become a full fledge artist. I participated in a number of group exhibitions which proved to be extremely successful. One of my masterpiece was sold to Dr.Hussain Awang from Tawakal Hospital worth RM12,000.00. Other clients include companies like Sime Darby, Rennaisance Hotel Bintulu Sarawak and Kuala Lumpur. Toh Puan Mahani, Tun Daim Zainuddin, Tengku Mizan and Dato' Abdullah are among the collectors of my paintings.

In the year 2000, I traveled to the USA and spent about two weeks in New York. I visited many galleries, including The Museum of Modern Art, where I leart to appreciate the works of artists such as Van Gogh.Whilst seeking for the concept to classify my paintings, I encountered myself that it was the right time for me to relinquish abstract and consider realism painting. My ambition is to produce 'Photorealism' paintings and I took the advice of Picasso: "Don't be anyone else, be yourself if you want to paint". When I was in New York, I was invited to exhibit my artworks at the 'Collector's Party' at Excel Gallery in Columbus Avenue, whereby two of my large paintings were sold.

The following year I was able to visit Australia, which allowed me to meet local artists, exposing me to fresh ideas, new inspiration and opportunity for my paintings to be put on show in the local galleries.

In year 2002, I saw an offer of a 'working holiday' as Graphic Designer in the UK; I did not want to waste this opportunity to widen my experience. So, I spent about a year in the UK to explore the art and culture of the Europeans.

The population of the art community in the UK is very big whereby there are thousands of art galleries throughout the country. Staying in the region of East Sussex, I was astonished to discover that, even in the small villages, artists held exhibitions in their house. Paintings were displayed in the living rooms and even in the kitchen. The best part is the fact that such events were included in the tourist information brochures. Thus, it exposed the public to many artists. I feel that this is an excellent idea for our artists in Kuala Lumpur or other places to imitate the idea.

I was able to return back to the UK in early 2003 for about six months. This time I was able to spend time in Plymouth, which is in the south west of the country. The southern part has a strong association with all the artists, with many famous, established 'school of artists', such as Newly School and the St Ives School. I was fortunate to be introduced by a good friend of mine to the proprietors of the Barbican Gallery in Plymouth, who were delighted to take and display my paintings, that many of them were sold while I was in Plymouth. When I was in the UK I had the opportunity to visit France and Italy and met many local artists. I think there is a need to demonstrate different varieties of concept so that one can unite together in a perfect equilibrium.

It is true that all artists will each have their own culture background and beliefs , but each of them is unique. Art is drawn from these sources, but when it had been expressed sincerely from the heart, soul and mind, it will become a universal manifestation. The language of art is universal to all mankind. It brings together different ethnic groups, culture and nation. Thus, creating artwork in different forms and mediums had made the world of art become more fascinating. But this positive diversification sometimes being eroded by culture that tends to see itself superior than the other. What is more important is not the execution of the artwork but the thoughts
behind it.

I returned to Malaysia in July of 2003 to pursue my full time career as an artist.

Before 2006, my artworks are solely based on still life and nature that were only based on its visual beauty. Collectors bought it because it is pretty and nice to be hung on the wall. The flowers look so real that you want to reach out and touch them; the fruits are good you feel like eating them. Later, I found that I could do the same to still life paintings like glass and plastic bottles. No matter what the subject matters are, the object should stood out like a sore thumb amids the fruits and flowing batik fabrics. I was more interested in detailing every day's household objects that were lying all around the kitchen.

Consequently, my first solo exhibition in 2006,I realize that I should imposed some message through my paintings. So,I am venturing forward into the real world, beyond the calmness of everyday life, there is a parallel universe...dark, sinister and impertinent.

  • 2017 Collective Individuals, Group Exhibition, Hin Bus Depot Art Centre, Penang
  • 2017 Nature Nutured, Group Exhibition, Sasana Kijang Gallery, Bank Negara Malaysia
  • 2016 Winner Redbull ehwaubulan Art Showcase Exhibition
  • 2016 Dengan Cara Kita ( In Our Own Ways) Group Exhibition, National Visual Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • 2016 Lain Daripada Yang lain ( Different From The Rest ) , Galeri Shah Alam.
  • 2015 Melukis Puisi Pyan Habib : Group Exhibition , House Of Matahati (HOM)
  • 2014 COLLECTIVE ASIA - Maya Gallery Singapore 
  • 2014 FREEDOM UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Myanmar Art Exchange Programe -  HOM Art Trans - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 2013 INTRO exhibition; Latif Maulan Open Studio  : Art Row Publika: Solaris Dutamas
  • 2013 The Young Contempos: Henry Butcher Art Auctioneers, Malaysia     ;Southeast Asian Art, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2012 CHARCOAL CRAYON + [water]COLORS, JADA ART, ION Art Space, Singapore
  • 2012 A Meter Diameter HOM (House Of Matahati) Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2011 Pameran Solo: With[out] Voice MapKL, Solaris Dutamas 1, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2011 Manifestasi Merdeka Balai Seni Visual Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2010 Bad Art MapKL, Solaris Dutamas 1, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2009 Artistic Journey, RA Fine Art Gallery
  • 2009 Zinc Opening, Zinc Art Space, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2009 MEA award, Finalist. KL
  • 2009 Tampannya Budi, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2009 Pameran Amal Palestin, National Art Gallery , Kuala Lumpur
  • 2008 SUSUR MASA, National Art Gallery , Kuala Lumpur
  • 2007 Pameran Anak Pahang , National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2006 PARALLEL UNIVERSE, First Solo Exhibition, Art case Gallery, Kuala  Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 2005 Tsunami Fund Art Donation, Malaysian Red Crescent, ART Case        Gallery, Kuala Lumpur
  • 2004 Melting Pot Of Culture, Great Eastern Mall and Art Case Gallery, Kuala  Lumpur (Demonstration of realism art painting)
  • 2002-2003 Inspirational Travel England, France, Italy
  • 2001 Inspirational Travel Australia
  • 2000 Collector Party, Excel Gallery, Columbus Avenue, USA
  • 1999 The Journey Of Malaysian Art, Kuala Lumpur.
  • 1999 Miniaturization, Art Case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.
  • 1998 Mirror-Mirror On The Wall, Art Case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.
  • 1997 A Question Of Balance, Art Case Gallery, Kuala Lumpur.
  • 1996 Rupa Kata, Pekan Seni Ipoh, Perak, M'sia.
  1. SaatchiArt Collection, Los Angeles, California, USA (You got to love your skull)
  2. Mead Johnson Art Collection, New York, USA (The Last Trishaw)
  3. Balai Seni Lukis Negara (Hope, D Mana Sharline, Anak Laut)
  4. Bank Negara Malaysia (Beware)
  5. Bank Simpanan Nasional ( The Forgotten Heritage IV)
  6. Sapura Holdings
  7. Peremba Construction
  8. PNB
  9. Tankas Hadapan S/B
  10. Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak
  11. Dato' Mazlin Junid (Australia)
  12. Dato' Abdullah
  13. Ministry of Health Malaysia
  14. Beverlly Hotel, Bintulu Sarawak
  15. Rennaisance Hotel Kuala Lumpur
  16. Mrs Patricia M Carbo (Embassy of Spain)
  17. Nori Abdullah
  18. Ambassador Dato' N. Parameswaran
  19. Leong Tek Beng
  20. Dr. Hussain
  21. Dr. Sai Shankar Gunasingam
  22. Sasya Ahmad
  23. Encik Mazlan (ZAQ Construction)
  24. Cs Huen (Chan Chun Lan Berhad)
  25. Encik Wan Khairil & Puan Mastura Yazid ( W & W Architect)
  26. Encik Redza (Tradewinds Sdn Bhd)
  27. Encik Kassim (Tangkas Hadapan Sdn Bhd)
  28. Puan Rahiyah Abdullah (Anjak Holdings Sdn bhd)
  29. Toh Puan Mahani & Daim
  30. Datin Yazreen & Datuk Shahril
  31. Puan Sri Datin Fauzah Abdullah
  32. Puan Siti haslinda
  33. Dr. Choo and Angelina 
  34. Mr & Mrs Roch
  35. Linda Jaggy (USA)
  36. Zainal Abidin
  37. Encik Faiz
  38. Linda & Paul Lauhon
  39. Mr & Mrs Cheong
  40. Encik Adib & Puan Azah
  41. Ida Suzaini
  42. Wan Khairil
  43. Mohd Redza Shah
  44. Suhaimi Abd Rahman
  45. Puan Nita
  46. Encik Anowar (TUDM)
  47. Mr Iaian & Mrs Yvonne Lang (Australia)
  48. Encik Jespal & Puan Salwa
  49. Encik Roslan & Puan Nita
  50. Encik Shukor Karim & Puan Nani
  51. Puan Ida Suzaini
  52. Encik Faiz Yeop Ahmad
  53. Mr & Mrs K T Cheong
  54. Encik Mokhtar Ghazali
  55. Mr Paul & Mrs Linda Lawhon
  56. Encik Zainal Abidin
  57. Mr & Mrs Roch
  58. Raja Azhar Idris
  59. Raja Selina (KL, Malaysia)
  60. Mr Roger King ( UK )
  61. Mr Ivan Ho (Country Manager Commenwealth Developement Corporation)
  62. Kenta Mishima (Itochu Corporation- Japan)
  63. Tenku Mizan (Kuala lumpur)
  64. Tengku Zubaidah (Dubai)
  65. Mr. Scott Orchard (Australia)
  66. Mr. Richard Gatwick (Kuala Lumpur)
  67. Mr. Rainer Rothoff (Kuala Lumpur)
  68. Encik Adib and Puan Azah (Kuala Lumpur)
  69. Mr. Antonio Marely-President of Atalia Funiture (Italy)
  70. Mr. Kashem Kareem-Shellod Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
  71. Dato Wan Khairul, Kuala Lumpur
  72. Jacobo Gleiser ( South America )
  73. Gerry Long
  74. Peter Kiernan
  75. Peter Eu
  76. Valerie Cheah
  77. Nik Fahmee
  78. En. Jesmie Nashir
  79. En Hilmey Zaini Zainal (Scomi Engineering)
And many more to mention : Thanks to all the collectors who keep my paintings alive.


  1. Perjalanan hidup yang maha hebat.teruskan perjuanganmu

  2. Latif you are excelent in your art and be succes in your life..Dalam hidup ini jika kita berusaha kita akan dapat apa yg kita usahakan disamping berdoa pd yg Maha Esa...moga kejayaan sentiasa mengiringi hidup latif...aamiin


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