
Oil On Canvas
60cm x 152cm
2008 © All Right Reserved
RM: 8500.00 (unframed)

Millions of acres of forestland are devastated through conversion to grazing land and cropland in our country and abroad. Runoff from these lands carries suspended and dissolved solids, organic matter, nutrients and pesticides into our lakes and streams, accounting for more water pollution than all other human activities combined. Overgrazing and intensive cultivation eventually turn these lands into desert, posing a severe long-term threat to our survival.

The ecological crisis of the late 20th.
century displays a profound alienation from nature and indeed from matter itself. Because nature had become largely identified as matter which can be manipulated. Nature is seen as a "resource" to be used rather than a "source" of life to be respected.

Our planet is struggling against unprecedented assaults that include environmental pollution, destruction of entire ecosystems, the aesthetic degradation of nature, human overpopulation, resource depletion, industrial growth, technological manipulation, military proliferation, and, now emerging as the most pressing and desperate of all problems, abrupt massive species extinction - and in cases of recently discovered ones, often before they are given names.

We are “Killing our World” wrote botanist Peter H. Raven (1993). Our feeling of alienation in the modern period has extended beyond the human community and its patterns of material exchanges to our interaction with nature itself. Especially in technologically sophisticated urban societies, we have become removed from that recognition of our dependence on nature - we no longer see the earth as sacred


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