Nature Nurtured

Title: The Waiting ( SOLD )
Medium: Oil Painting On Canvas
Size: 61 cm x 122 cm

Lukisan ini boleh dilihat sehingga 18.6.2017 di Pameran "Nature Natured" di Sasana Kijang Art Gallery Bank Negara. Galeri dibuka dari 10 am hingga 6 pm.

This painting is in the "Exhibition Nature Nurtured", Sasana Kijang Art Gallery Bank Negara. "Nature Nurtured" commemorated the natural marvels of Malaysia, as depicted by selected contemporary artists. It comprises approximately 80 works of art, mostly in the genre of realism. The exhibition is a comprehensive account of the involvement of Malaysian Artists in preserving the fragile balance of nature

The exhibition open until 18.6.2017. The Gallery open from 10 am to 6 pm. Admission is free
Sasana Kijang Art Gallery Bank Negara, Jalan Dato Onn, Kuala Lumpur, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.


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