I would like to express my gratitude to the Johor Heritage Foundation for entrusting me with the creation of portraits of the Chief Ministers of Johor. InsyaAllah, all three portraits will be exhibited at the Johor Heritage Foundation Museum next year and will become part of the museum’s collection.

Dato Ir Hasni Bin haji Mohammad
Medium: Oil Painting On Canvas
Size: 84cm x 61cm
Year 2025

Dato' Ir. Haji Hasni bin Haji Mohammad (Jawi: حسني بن محمد‎; born March 27, 1959) is a Malaysian politician of Malay ethnicity and is the Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Benut. At the grassroots level, he has been the Chairman of the UMNO Pontian Division since 2001. In the 11th General Election, he was elected as the Member of Parliament for Pontian with a majority of 20,400 votes.  

Dato' Ir. Haji Hasni bin Haji Mohammad (Jawi: حسني بن محمد‎; lahir 27 Mac 1959)  merupakan Ahli Politik Malaysia berbangsa Melayu dan merupakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Benut. Di peringkat akar umbi politik, beliau merupakan Ketua  UMNO Bahagian Pontian sejak 2001. Pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-11, beliau telah dipilih sebagai Ahli Parlimen Pontian dengan majoriti kemenangan sebanyak 20,400 undi.

Dato On Hafiz Bin Dato Ghazi
Medium: Oil Painting On Canvas
Size: 84cm x 61cm
Year 2025

On March 15, 2022, Onn Hafiz officially took the oath of office as the new and 19th Menteri Besar of Johor. He became the 4th Menteri Besar within a single term of the 14th Malaysian Parliament from 2018 to 2022. Initially, after the 2022 Johor state election, the Chairman of BN and President of UMNO, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, revealed that he would submit the name of the former 18th Menteri Besar of Johor, Datuk Hasni Mohammad, to the Sultan of Johor to be reappointed to the position after BN secured a significant victory in the March 12 election. BN had previously chosen Hasni as the Menteri Besar candidate once BN was given a renewed mandate by the people. However, a day before his appointment, Hasni suddenly announced his withdrawal from contesting for the position and confirmed his decision to give way and support a younger candidate to lead the Johor state government, considering the long-term development of the state.

Pada 15 Mac 2022, Onn Hafiz secara rasmi mengangkat sumpah sebagai Menteri Besar Johor yang baharu dan ke-19, beliau merupakan Menteri Besar ke-4 hanya dalam satu penggal Parlimen Malaysia ke-14 dari tahun 2018 hingga 2022. Pada mulanya selepas pilihan raya negeri Johor 2022, Pengerusi BN dan Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mendedahkan bahawa beliau akan menyerahkan nama bekas penyandang Menteri Besar Johor ke-18, Datuk Hasni Mohammad kepada Sultan Johor untuk dilantik semula ke jawatan itu selepas BN meraih kemenangan besar pada tahun pilihan raya 12 Mac lepas. BN sebelum ini turut memilih Hasni sebagai calon menteri besar sebaik BN diberi mandat semula oleh rakyat. Bagaimanapun sehari sebelum pelantikannya, Hasni tiba-tiba mengumumkan penarikan diri daripada bertanding jawatan itu dan beliau mengesahkan untuk memberi laluan dan menyokong calon yang lebih muda untuk menerajui kerajaan negeri Johor memandangkan pembangunan jangka masa panjang negeri Johor.

Dato Dr Sahruddin Bin Jamal
Medium: Oil Painting On Canvas
Size: 84 cm x 61 cm
Year 2025 

Dato' Dr. Sahruddin bin Jamal (born May 26, 1975) is the 17th Menteri Besar of Johor from Pakatan Harapan (BERSATU). He took the oath of office before His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim on April 14, 2019, replacing the previous Menteri Besar, Dato' Osman Sapian. He was succeeded by Dato' Ir. Hasni Mohammad on February 28, 2020. In the 2018 Johor state election, Sahruddin won the Johor State Legislative Assembly seat for Bukit Kepong.

Dato' Dr. Sahruddin bin Jamal (lahir 26 Mei 1975) ialah Menteri Besar Johor yang ke-17[1] dari Pakatan Harapan (BERSATU). Beliau mengangkat sumpah memegang jawatan itu di hadapan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ibrahim pada 14 April 2019 bagi menggantikan Menteri Besar, Dato' 
Osman Sapian. Beliau digantikan oleh Dato' Ir. Hasni Mohammad pada 28 Februari 2020. Pada Pilihan raya negeri Johor 2018, Sahruddin memenangi kerusi Dewan  Negeri Johor bagi Bukit Kepong.


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